How to Make Money Fast Part 11

101. Preparation of scientific articlesIf you have the knack for research, there are companies and people who can use your services. You can find some of them in Craigslist or offer your services to local colleges.Participate in the medical communityThe medical community will pay donations and your participation.

102. Selling bloodYou can get from 30 to 40 dollars to sell your blood. Three or four donations will get you $ 100 in just a couple of weeks.

103. Donate PlasmaA donation of plasma can work better than selling your blood. It will take longer to donate the plasma, because they will return your blood cells back to your system. The positive thing is that you can donate plasma up to twice a week, and you can earn from 40 to 60 US dollars for a donation. You can do this for $ 100 less than a week, if you can iron the needle.

104. Participate in medical researchThe local hospital offers $ 600 for people with high blood pressure to participate in medical trials. Hospitals and clinics do this all the time, and you can easily find a local medical education by doing a search on the Internet. Enough said?Change in spending habits - a littleSometimes you can find extra money by simply spending less money or breaking a habit or two - at least temporarily.

105. Eat on the cheap for a weekIf you spend $ 200 per week on food, try to go for beans and rice diet (well, pasta, potatoes, salads and other inexpensive foods are also good) for one week. This should cut the bill twice, and you will receive an additional $ 100.

106. Eliminate the cable TV service.A typical cable television service by an average road is about $ 100 per month. Eliminate this, and this month you will receive an additional $ 100. And every month after that.

107. Renounce Starbucks within a monthAre you a Latte fan? At a price of $ 4 per cup, you will save $ 120 if you opt-out for a month.

108. Refuse "sin" within a monthIf you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day or drink three beers a day, go out on a cold turkey for a month, you can easily leave you at least $ 100 richer.Have you tried any of them? Are there any other ways to make $ 100 fast, what could I miss?


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